I've been doing the math work on my zooarchy report, and between number
crunching and hair pulling, I've been downloading the hundreds of
photos that have been sent to me from all over the planet. I have
photos from Australia, Holland, Mexico, Canada, and England, and well
as through out the USA. At last count there were 623 photos and I
still have many more emails to open and photos to download.

What has prompted this post was the heart-touching stories that came
with many of the photos. In several cases, I was told that it was ok
use use photos of ferrets in living in bad conditions because it could
help educate people and save other ferrets. The short stories and the
obvious love and bonding to their pets was extremely moving. Some of
the photos were fanstastic: a shot of dozens of baby ferrets with their
heads in food, a ferret jumping out of a rice box, a ferret playing
peekaboo, and many, many more. I could shoot for years without pulling
this variety of photos together.

Periodically we all get caught up in what we are doing so much that
we forget why we are doing it. The photos sent freely so I could show
other people's ferrets in my powerpoint presentations are a wonderful
reminder of why we are here. It is heartwarming.

Thank you all, and not just for allowing me to borrow the photos, but
for reminding me how beautiful ferret people can be. It was a wonderful

Bob C
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