And I thought my fuzzies were the only WEIRD ones! 2 of my 3 ferrets
are obsessed with the toilet brush, the plunger & the vacuum!! The
same 2 fight over the brush, usually dragging out on the bathroom floor
(from the cupboard) and sometimes down the hall. I long ago moved the
plunger out of reach, but never got around to relocating the brush.
They also ATTACK the vacuum cleaner, WHILE IT IS RUNNING! They come
charging out from under the couches or their cage running straight at
the noisy thing and if I let them get close enough they try to bite it!
I continually reassure them that it is NOT hurting Mama, but they keep
up their assault until I break down & put them in the cage till I am
done, for their own safety. Amazes me that as loud & scary (you'd think
to a ferret) as those machines are, these little tiny furry "heros"
try to take them on! It is pretty entertaining to witness I admit!

 & the Psycho Circus (Kira the Wonder Fert, Danny Phantom &
 Shakespeare the Courageous)

[Posted in FML 5553]