Hello all,....I agree completely with Dr. G's statements, BUT (of
course), there is one thing that has made me 'leave' my #2 fert vet,
who was my #1 Canine vet.

Has anyone ever used, or tried to use the 1-800-petmeds service? I have
before for "non-prescription" items,.....vitamins, flea products,
etc.,.....but have you ever tried to use it for a "prescription" from
your vet? When I called 1-800....., for some "Heartguard plus" for my
Dog, I was called back by them & told that my Vet would NOT authorize
the prescription through 'petmeds'. Now my vet was about 20 miles from
me, and when I called to ask what the problem was with this order, I
was told that Rx's "have' to come directly from them at the office!
Now this meant prescriptions they had in stock, and those that needed
ordering. I never got past the 'receptionist', but I asked her why they
were preventing me from saving over $15 plus on this? She 'promptly'
reminded me how "shipping & handling" of the pkg. through 1800petmeds
would make the price equal! Well, let's see, I told her that shipping
was about $7, and it arrived at my door. No need to start the car,
drive a total of 20+ miles to & from them, risking an accident,
breakdown, gasoline costs, or many other things that can happen on
the road. This fell upon deaf ears,(& an empty head), so I did make
the trip,.....BUT to pick up my Dog's & Fert's records and proceed to
another vet! I really do not think that they needed the small profit
they make from their sales from someone on a fixed income, someone
who has been allowed to 'post-date' checks to them for the lack of
immediate funds, and a long-time customer of theirs!

Now this was an "old-time" country Vet, who saw everything from
Horses & Pigs, to Ferts & Hedgehogs! I hate to use phrases like "The
good 'ole days", but I remember when your vet could be reached at 2am
for an emergency telephone consultation, and if necessary, a "meet me
at my office in 20 minutes" reply.

Veterinarians "May" be underpaid & overworked, but most have become
very "Elite" with what was once considered commonplace! In South
Jersey, NO VET that I consider "knowledgeable enough" for my animals,
is available after about 6pm, with the exception of my #1 Fert vet
who is open 7days a week till 11pm. This especially is true with the
offices that have 3+ vets associated with that office. Calling them
after that, no 'beeper' # is called by an answering service, if they
have one, only a "taped mssg." giving the 3- 24/7 Emergency clinic's
tel #'s available in my area. IF you can 'find' the closest(40 miles),
the minute their front door is opened, cha-ching!,....$300 minimum, up
front! If it is a true emergency, 40+ miles to an unknown place is a
lot of wasted & life-threatening time! And please, not ALL vets are
driving a 1977 Yugo either, their Jags have passed me in the parking
lot when I was their last appointment! I re-iterate, not all vets are
uncaring, as my present one has proven time & again, but the "caring" &
"responding to nighttime emergencies" species of vets have all but
disappeared, and are missed! It may be just coincidence, but "VMD's"
from the University of Pa. Veterinary School, seem to be, for some
reason(IMO), the one's who 'may' still be "old school", compared to
the "DVM's" in THIS area!

This has been MY experiences. I wish it were different. Oh, and the $2
charge for a prescription from their office goes toward the valet at
the Casinos in A.C.! Let's be real, please!............Good veterinary
"office" care during "off-hours" has gone the way of good Physician
'office' care, off-hours,....nada, nill, etc.....

Progress, it bites!....

Take care,

John R. & the n.j. gang of 4, USA.
john rich <[log in to unmask]>

[Posted in FML 5550]