At the Rainbow, Bridge, there is a warm pool of water, where soft wind
blows and SaraFerret and some of her business from Mommy's house who
are at the bridge are floating on rafts are basking in the nice spring

All of a sudden the loudspeaker sounds, SaraFerret, report to the
Rainbow Bridge, Trooper Ferret is preparing to cross. The wind promptly
changes course and blows them back to shore. 

SaraFerret jumps out and hurriedly dries off and accompanied by the
rest of her business, races for the bridge entrance. Pant-pant-pant. Oh
rats-oh rats, now I have the pant-pant-pants again. The Boss tells her
from on high. Take a deep breathe, SaraFerret, Relax. Now take another
deep breathe. Relax. SaraFerret thinks to herself what do you know, the
pant-pant-pants are gone!

Now I see Trooper getting ready to cross. Wowsie, a little naked
ferret, just like I was, altho I am some better as I have grown out
some and I do have a bushy tail. Trooper is trotting across de bridge
just as tho he is in a hurry, not looking back one bit.

As he arrives at de bridge entrance I introduces myself. Hi I am
SaraFerret, de bridge greeter.

Nice to meet you. I am Trooper, sorry I doesnt has much fur, in facts,
I is naked. And at dat moment,(fooof)he is no longer naked, but is
clothed completely in lovely fur, and he looks at himself and he is
just amaxed.

Wowsie, how did dat happens. All dis times I has been naked, and nows
I is furry.

I points to de Boss. I says, well when you comes here tings happen dat
dont happen where you were. Here dere is no pain, no suffering, no
sickness, lotsa food, playtime, cloud jumping, kittys to play wit if
you want and dey want to play.

But Trooper looks at me and says, Uh Ms SaraFerret, Why dont you have
a big furry coat; you have a nice bushy tail?

Well Trooper, I arrived here a long time ago and I was one of the
earlier bridge greeters and I was totally naked and I guess the Boss
felt I was a might too prideful, so He left me naked for a good long
while--He gave me some sparse fur-but not much and then one Christmas
He gave me a bushy tail. Maybe one day He will give me a furry coat.
But in de meantime I am thankful for what I have.

Oh okay says Trooper. No offense, I was just asking.

No offense taken, you has every right to ask. First timers always has
to ask questions, otherwise they donts know anything.
 Now the first ting we has to do is get you some wings.

Wings? Trooper says.

Yes, wings and a halo! So off we go to Kit and Kaboodle where of course
Auntie Mary Ferret is standing by. She looks at him and she has a box
of wings and a halo in her arms that look freshly made. Even the box
is marked Trooper. She opens the box. And out comes the handsomest set
of wings--blue with black contrasts and of course the gold halo. She
tries them on him. And of course, they fit him. Trooper goes over to
the mirror. He smiles at his reflection--vanity-thy name is ferret. I
check with Trooper. Are you pleased with your wings and halo? If not,
you can exchange them. We want all of our ferrets to be happy with
their wings.

He looks at me and says, Are you kidding me? SaraFerret, I am thrlled
to bits, they are the nicest things I have ever had except Missy Lisa,
and he gets a tear in his eye, tinking of how devoted she was to him in
de last months of his life on earth. Do you tink I will ever see Missy
Lisa again? he asks.

Of course you will, I say. One day, in de distant future, she will
cross de bridge and you will meet her and she will greet you and all
will run and play together.

Now I am going tointroduce you to some new friends for you to live with
while you are here. I introduce him to Dude and Ernest, two of my
business who passed after me (these were from Mommys house-one was a
foster and one was a personal). They decided to live on dere own as dey
felt de business house was too noisy. Dey slapped tails. Well dose guys
seemed to hit it off real well. I asks Trooper if he wants de tour of
de place. But Dude and Ernest said de knew de place like de back of
dere hands. It helps where your sis is de bridge greeter. I gave
Trooper a hug which surprisingy he accepted. Bless dose naked ferrets
dat come across de bridge-somehow I feel a special kinship wit dem.

Too late for another dip in de pool. Besides I hear dere is another
ferret preparing to cross de bridge.

Loveys and dooks from de bridge


[Posted in FML 5548]