Susie Q has guilted me into letting her sleep with me.. I was feeling
so bad that she had to sleep alone in the pen as Carl has still not
accepted her, that I was allowing her additional free roam time when
the others were tucked in their hammocks with the ferret room door
closed. She would play around in my bedroom as I showered and got into
bed, read a book. and only when I was going to turn my light off did I
put her back into the pen.

The other night, as I was reading, she snuggled down under the covers
and started grooming, getting ready for bed herself. After a few
minutes she was fast asleep tucked in the leg of my pj's. Oh well, I
thought, I can't wake her up now, when she wakes me up in the middle
of the night to play, I'll take he down then. Well, we fell into a
routine, and now she climbs up on my face as I read and licks me all
over, grooming and nibbling my eyebrows and eyelashes before she
snuggles down in the blankets.

Although I can tell she gets up in the night, she's always under the
covers when I wake in the morning. Then, 2 nights ago I wake up at
3.30am to a dreadful grating, banging noise. I listen and it's coming
from my bathroom, so I turn on the light and head in there. there is
Susie Q starting the remodeling for me by pulling out a huge chunk of
old silicone caulk around the shower stall! At first I just laughed at
her, picked her up and we went back to bed.. for about as long as it
took her to jump of the bed and sprint back in to the bathroom! This
time, she was actually eating the caulk - oh horror! What was that
going to do to her? The least of my worries was probably a blockage.

I ended up having to pull out the entire strip and cut away all
the loose bits, before she would leave it alone. I dosed her with
hairball remedy and hoped for the best! Yesterday morning she was
up and pooping - with included white flecks, with no other sign of

Last night, I had to tape up the shower base with sports tape so that
the water didn't run into the gaps she created. bad silicone caulk is
ugly enough, but sports tape too! Then as I'm lying in bed reading I
hear this big rip. and yes, Susie Q had lifted up corner of the tape
and pulled that off too!


"If you think you have things under control, you are not driving fast
enough" (Mario Andretti)

[Posted in FML 5548]