
If some of the practices out there aren' t sneaking in the medicine
fee with "other " service, or outright gouging in some cases.

The Vet I deal with for most of the treatments for my crew, asks ME if
I know a price comparison for the meds he can prescribe. He knows some
exotic people are on a tight budget, and those ferret bills can and do
add up in a multiple household.

Took some time a while back to 'shop' around places like Rite Aid, CVS,
Wallgeen Drug. Most of the standard meds prescribed for ferrets are
human meds too. For instance in my area, the Wallgreen Drug has the
best price for Prednisolone; 5mg/ml @ $31.39!

There is no question about having scripts written or called in to
other pharmacies, more people should consider comparison shopping,
and question any fees that occur around this issue.

Just my dimes worth.

Joan & the Wrecking Crew

[Posted in FML 5548]