(Bill- for some reason this did not get pubvlished in the 3-14 fml)--
please get it in ASAP for the VT folks!


[Never saw it before, but here it is now :-) BIG]

As of todays date emergency flood warnings are issued for No VT areas
which may be effected by the thawing of the frozen Winooski River.
Residents in this area should be prepared for quick evacuation which
includes finding alternative housing that will accept pets.

All pet owners should have an emergency supply kit for their animals,
which should include:

* Three-or-more-day supply of food in airtight, water proof container, 
  and drinking water.
* Bowls for food and water.
* Current photos and physical description of your pets, including 
  details on markings.
* Medications, vaccination records and first aid pet supplies.
* Comfort items such as a toy and blanket.
* Small garbage bags.
* For dogs include--leash, harness and a sturdy carrier large enough
  to use as a sleeping area
* For cats include--litter and litter box and a sturdy carrier large 
  enough for transport and for your cat to use as a temporary
  "apartment" for several days

Place the pet emergency supply kit directly in your car so it is ready
to go if you need to evacuate quickly. Make sure your pet has visible
identification on right now, before you have to leave home.

If officials call for an evacuation, pet owners should be aware that
evacuation shelters in Montpelier,VT may not accept pets, and they must
plan their destination in advance. Hotels and motels may be willing to
lift "no pet" restriction in an emergency. Friends and family members
living outside the area may be able to provide shelter too.

For more information go to:

The folks at www.ferretwise.org

[Posted in FML 5547]