>From:    Kris S Mewton <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: What Else Has Been Done
>This is a covert operation - we can only give out so much information.
>We can't reveal anything thing to you @ this time. It would
>jeopardize all we are working for.

The terrorists plotting death and the mob plotting crimes use the same
excuse. If you were doing this legitimately and for the good of ferrets
and people you could do this openly. If you were doing this out of evil
intent you would keep it covert as you are. Avoiding RICO charges would
be a good idea for you.

>From: Pat Stauffer <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: I should know better but anyway...

Another of the usual suspects.

>Or could it be that others were tired of that attitude in you?

Nope. Based on my email, people are glad I popped back in. Same as it
always was. Same as it always was.

You have long been part of the ruling mob. I've opposed the ruling mob
for years. You have your little mob of sycophants. I have my set of
free thinkers. Or describe them any way you want. I'll stick with mine.

>And you have always had the same old farmer mentality and defended
>him. Just like you advised others who asked, that DB was no better or
>worse than any others.

I defended Di Bachman? Silly you. You believe the gossip instead of
actually reading what I wrote. But yeah Di was no worse than some your
friends. With your group people are "in" or "out", You change your
opinions of them based on fads. Based on directives from those leading
your group.

>One has to wonder when you defend these kinds of breeders and
>keeping ferrets like that how you kept your own.

Innuendo is still one of your tools. If you want to know, ask Bob.
Vickie McKimmey let us have ferrets after she visited out house.
Despite what she says now she gave approval in the past.

>That is just a ridiculous statement. How could you possibly puff
>yourself up from wanting to take those poor ferrets out of those

I have to explain to you the need to appear as a savior? Not be a
savior, seem to be a savior. Your friends are good at that seeming

>The hobs were brilliant orange from a bad diet and unsanitary

No they were orange from being outside animals. Diet had nothing to do
with it. Unsanitary is bit loaded. Yes they weren't washed like all the
show animals. So they could have been cleaner. But they weren't septic
or ill.

>He told my friend that you could not handle these without gloves
>because they were breeding males and they were vicious.

McKay is old school on that. I never used gloves to handle his ferrets
on his ranch or at shows. Even right in front of him I always just
reached right in.

>They are the sweeties of the ferret world. So it seems like nothing
>much has changed in years.

Too much of a generalization. Especially after your friends brought
in polecats. The most vicious ferret I've ever dealt with was one hob
Vickie McKimmey insisted on bringing to ferret shows. Its offspring
were almost as vicious.

Well vicious in that they were partially wild rather than domesticated.
But they sure would bite for no reason discernible to people. Well
other than like show ferrets they were often lugged around the country
in cages that were too small.

So are you going to go after the polecats breeders too?

>If you have to "eke" out a living then stop breeding so many animals.

So what is the proper number? So few you can't afford to eat yourself?

Some of you racketeers are keen on limiting what others do. But never

>Oh and while you are nit-picking the spelling and grammar

I wasn't picking nits. I didn't go through and point out individual
examples. I was referring to the works as a whole that were written
using an approach of trying too hard to make them seem like legal
documents. One used appears and seems instead of stating facts. Use
of too many quote marks around words where they didn't belong. There
is a big difference between a quickly banged out email and a document
purporting to be an affidavit.

Your friends want to drive up the price of pet ferrets so they try to
destroy all other sources. Its racketeering plain and simple.

While you insult my typing I'll instead concentrate on the ferret mafia
aspect to all of this.

[Does the ferret mafia hang out with the FLO? :-)  BIG]

>From:    Kris S Mewton <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Web Broswers
>Good Morning FML:
>Just for those of you that are having a hard time getting to the
>site -- On My Browsers selection I changed it to both Internet
>Explorer & Navigator
Your web site is still not browser neutral.

>I Hope this helps everyone view what they need
>Kris S Mewton
>Please Help With the DM Ferret Rescue Foundation
> <http://www.mfran.org/Doug%20McKay/Doug%20McKay%20Foundation/Doug%20McKay%20Foundation.htm>

Uh oh... Be careful, Mary is cruel about typos. I hope you don't mind
her making fun of you.

Your site is mkaresq.com not mkaresq.cm as far as I can tell.

Bill Killian
Representing himself with no financial gains to be made.  Unlike  
those who so desperately oppose him.

[Posted in FML 5544]