Early morning at the Rainbow Bridge and Muldoone was on a mission to
find two ferrets that had recently passed so he could check on them
and send word back to their mom Ferretocious Laura. After taking a
long lengthy stroll around the village and not finding ether ferret,
Muldoone decided to head to one of his favorite spots to relax in the
warm morning sun and then he would resume his search. Taking a look
around to make sure no one was looking, down the path he began to trot
going to the fields where his favorite flowers grew; Mully was heading
to the FloxGlove Fields.

Taking his time walking among the flowers, admiring the beautiful
colors; shades of pink and purple that floated back and forth between
white and then back to pink and purple, they were Muldoone's favorite
flowers. He was so taken by the tall majestic flowers, colors so bright
and delicate.

Glancing up ahead Mully spotted two ferrets and he immediately ducked
down behind the flowers. "I not wants any odder fewets to sees me here"
Mully muttered to himself. Thinking about the two fuzzies he had seen;
Muldoone could not place in his mind who they were. It was almost
unheard of for Mully to not know or recognize a ferret on sight; it
was part of his job to know all the ferrets at the Bridge.

Muldoone decided to approach the two ferrets and ask who they were,
maybe they were the two he had sat out that morning to find. Getting
closer to get a better look at the two fuzzies; one ferret was a creamy
gray and he carried a fishing pole on his shoulder, oh boys, dis could
be innersting Mully thought. The other ferret was a pearly white color
and both the fuzzies were engrossed in deep conversation between

Calling out a good morning to the two ferrets, Muldoone couldn't help
but notice how the two fuzzies jumped as if they were very nervous. "I
be wookin for two fewets" Mully told the two ferrets, "who bees yur
names?" he asked them.

At first the two ferrets seemed to not know what to say and finally one
of them spoke. "Wes be Andy and Olliever" the ferret told Muldoone.
"Who you be?" Andy asked.

"I be Misser Muldoone, Officiast Bwidge Gweeter" Mully told the pair
"and I be wooking for two fewets wiff same names as yurs. I be askised
to finds two fuzzies and den weports back to deir mom bout how dey be

"What da mom name bees?" Oliver asked Muldoone.

"Da name be Seaddling Waura?" the ferret known as Andy asked.

"Uh yeah, dat bees her name" Mully told the pair. "She bees worryies
bout you and da Boss say for me to finds you and weports back how you
be doin."

Both ferrets dropped their heads for a moment and when they looked up
they each had tears in their eyes. "We misses our mom" Oliver told

"And we misses our fwiends; da dog Jake and da cat Woona" Andy told

"I knos guys, it be hard when you comes here, but I shows you how to
checks on yur mom and yur fwiends. I sneaks back all da time to checks
on my familee" Mully told them.

"I misses pwaying wiff Jake da dog" Oliver told Muldoone.

"And I misses pwaying wiff Woona da cat and hidin her toys" Andy told

"Comes wiff me guys, I shows you how to sneakes back to visit and
shows you how to hide da dog and cat toys."

Muldoone would spend the rest of the day showing the two ferrets how
to sneak back to check on their mom and also how to play with their
friends. It was so much fun to sneak back and play with old friends
and also to climb in bed at night and give whiskery kisses to a mom
who was loved so much.

Caring for your ferrets at the Rainbow Bridge.


[Posted in FML 5544]