Again, I know nothing about the whole DM situation. Don't know him or
his family, never been there, don't care to be there, & cannot comment
on anything having to do w/ anything about the people or the place. But
a few things have popped out at me from the posts of the last few days.

First of all, there are those who say they've been there. Some say the
conditions are fine, others say they are not. *Someone's* not telling
the truth. I don't know who is or isn't, but how can it be both ways?

I wondered how long it would take before someone associated w/ the
business would hear about this & respond. After all, what w/ the 'net &
all, the world has become a much smaller place, & controversies &
accusations make the rounds a lot faster than most people think. The
first thing that made me wonder was when the number of ferrets at this
farm started to jump from "the hundreds", to "1,000" to "1 - 2,000", &
finally to "2,000". Man, those suckers multiply fast! It's become just
like the game of Telephone that kids play in grade school; a fact gets
whispered in one kids' ear, & you see how much the message has changed
by the time it gets to the end of the line.

Besides that, no matter how you feel about this whole situation, one
comment DM's daughter made jumped out at me big-time:

>9.We are very offended and disappointed in the individuals who started
>these rumors and are currently in the works of taking legal action
>against them.

This is what happens when people decide to get too involved, too
passionate, & too judgmental, when they have no first-hand knowledge of
the situation. This is exactly why I stated in my only other post about
this (saying where to find the Ohio Revised Code's details about what
constitutes animal abuse) that this situation should *only* be
commented on by people who've actually been there & have seen the facts
for themselves. So it now appears that *someone* (who, I don't know)
will be seeing DM's family in court. I hope it's been worth it to them,
whomever they may end up being.

Once again, before someone starts throwing flak in my direction, let
me say again - I have no personal knowledge of this person, or their
operation, nor am I interested in it one single bit. I have no opinion
about them, & I do not support *nor* condemn them. How can I, when I
haven't even been there? I'm just pointing out a few things that people
need to think about before commenting further.

For the record also, I attempted to go to the website to see
these pictures. The "DM Rescue" line was not a clickable link,
therefore there was no way to view any pics, or anything entitled
"Affidavit". How anyone else saw that, I'd be interested in finding
out. All I was able to see were some very small pics set up as a slide
show, too small to see much detail, & certainly nothing that indicated
to me where they were taken.

If this is indeed a bad situation that is against the rules set forth
in the Ohio laws, then it needs to be rectified. If it turns out they
are w/in the law, they need to stop being harrassed. That's the only
opinion I have. But please, people, think first & type later.

Lin, Oberon, Max, Puck, & Ivan

~ Missing my angel Ariel - 20 April 2000 - 20 January 2007.
Wait for me, my Baby Girl. I miss you so much. ~

email me at: kay tee en eye el at double-u owe aich dot ar ar dot see
owe em

[Posted in FML 5539]