What a gorgeous day it is....I can smell Spring in the air! I actually
saw a patch of crocuses pushing their little green heads through
winter's cold ground. The sun is warm on my back today as I rake up
dead leaves and pine needles from the path that leads to my humble
abode. I can smell the fragrant soil, ready for new seeds that will
turn into an abundant garden filled with flowers and vegetables. Soon
now, it will be time to start planting those seeds. Francis Ferret
enjoys working in the garden with me, she has become a very special
friend to me. We enjoy our early morning walks together and she is so
easy to talk to. She has helped the time pass and takes my mind off of
Fancy Ferret. Fancy, whom I miss so much. I long for the day that we
we will once again be together...

But today I have a task to perform, so I cannot waste too much time
dreaming of Fancy. I need to finish raking these leaves so I can go
find my new friend Dante. His Earth Mom Debi and his Dad Keith are
concerned about him and would like to be assured that Dante has found
his family and is safe up here at The Rainbow Bridge.

Dante crossed over the Rainbow Bridge a few weeks ago, Francis and I
had greeted him there. We showed him the Community Center and we put a
note on the message board that Dante had arrived and would like to be
reunited with Debi and Keith's other Furbabies who had gone on before
him. We showed Dante the Meadows, he ran through the tall grasses and
soaked up the warm sunshine, chasing flutterbies and smelling the
perfume of the wildflowers that grow there. We went by the waterfalls
and quietly enjoyed the sounds of the gently falling water. We showed
Dante the Pool Of Remembrance and explained how it worked. He was so
happy to know he can check in on Debi and Keith and his special friend
Mishie, whom he misses so much....anytime he gets lonely or homesick.
So, I am on my way to the cottages on the edge of The Woodlands.

The paths wind their way through The Great Woods, there is much flora
and fauna to observe along the way. Beautiful beds of crocuses and
daffodils poking their heads through winter's chilled ground. Mushrooms
and ferns flourish all year long, holding the warmth of a winter sun.
There are ferns and mossy knolls and many small woodland creatures
along the way. The paths are covered by a dense canopy from the trees
above and it is always cool and damp, and it smells of moss and musky

I enjoy this part of my walk very much, but I am always happy to come
out the other side and enter The Woodlands. Many ferrets who come here
make this part of The Rainbow Bridge Community their home. They have
everything they need and it is a short walk to the center of town. In
The Woodlands there are many cottages and multi-ferret homes. Some
cottages have entire families living in them, and others have groups
who are not related, but have become like a family. As I approach a
rather rustic looking cottage, I admire the traveling vines creeping up
the outside wall. There are morning glories along the walkway to the
front door and I can hear early morning activity from inside.

"Hello?" I say as I near the front door. "Is anyone at home?" I shout

A jovial roly-poly ferret opens the door and bellows, "Well Hell-o
Musty Pete! What brings you out this way on this glorious day?"

"Hey Porter! How are you? I haven't seen you in a while!" I said "I am
looking for my friend Dante. Is he staying here with you?"

Porter shook his head and said, "No, he's not here Pete. But I think he
lives just a few doors down."

"Okay, thanks Porter. I'll see you later." I said as I continued
walking down the lane. As I tried to figure out which house might be
Dante's a familiar face approached, and I knew my search was over, it
was Dante.

"Hello Dante!" I shouted, as I waved. "I've been looking for you!"

Dante smiled at me, "Hello Musty Pete. What brings you all the way out
here?" he asked.

"I got a message from your Earth Mom Debi, she wanted me to check on
you and make sure you were doing alright. You know how she and Keith
worry about their furbabies." I explained.

"Oh...That's nice. I miss them a lot, and I miss my friends, especially
Mishie. Are they okay?" Dante asked.

"Oh everyone is fine, a little sad since you left, and missing you, but
they are okay." I said.

"So? Is everything okay? Are you doing alright? Do you have everything
you need?" I asked

"Yes, everything here is just wonderful. I love this place, it is so
beautiful and peaceful. I have made many friends and I have a nice home
to live in, I have everything I need. Will you tell my Mom & Dad that I
am okay?" Dante asked.

"Sure I will Dante. I think it will make them very happy." I said as I

Dante added, "Well Pete, I must be on my way. I am helping to teach a
swim class to the kits this morning, and I am going to be late if I
don't get going."

"Oh, okay Dante. You had better go. I'll come by again soon to check
on you, okay?" I said

Dante began walking down the path and turned to wave good bye, "I'll
see you soon Musty Pete!"

"Bye" and I waved after him.

Well...now it is time for me to head back to The Meadows, the sun is
just high enough that it has begun to warm the tall sweet grass that
grows there, just warm enough and cozy enough for me to take a nap in.

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