>AR activists have been pushing for a long time to get restrictive
>breeding laws which would not only apply to commercial breeders but to
>ALL breeders. I personally want to continue to have the dogs I have,
>breed them when I want to and keep them the way I feel is best. I
>don't think it should be a crime or require high fees to keep an
>intact animal if that is what you choose to do. I don't think the
>government should in any way be in control of what I do with my dogs.
>My dogs have a good life, their puppies have good lives and I don't
>expect the dogs to pay my bills. people who want puppies from me are
>screened and I turn down people I don't feel make suitable homes - as
>do most small show/working/performance breeders that I know. I breed
>litters because I am a dog person, because I show and train dogs,
>because I have quality dogs, because my dog's temperaments and
>conformation are correct for their breed, because I want to continue
>having future generations from them and because other people enjoy
>having dogs like mine as well.

I quite understand what you're saying Nikki, but not all breeders are
as responsible as you are. In fact, some are just plain nitwits. If I
had a choice of having these laws or not. i would want them. It's
protection for helpless animals from money hungry selfish and often
sick people. I dont like the puppy mills and I dont like this guy
running a ferret mill. There are many great ferret breeders out there.
Many on this list, but to allow someone to be that inhumane to an
animal is deplorable. Someone has to do something for these animals.
Your pets are lucky to have an owner like you, but not all are that
fortunate. These are the ones who need the protection. And if thats at
the sacrifice of some,,, well thats just what has to be. I have had
dogs all my life and adore them. I personally see nothing wrong with
the kennel clubs but I never had anything to do with them. I would just
like to see something done. It's true flooding the phone lines is not
the answer; letters would help but as Sarah said the news media may be
the best. If we can get anyone to listen. 1st we need picsand good pics
to get them to listen. I was going to check the "fact" program on
Animal Planet and write to them, but then who's going to listen to
me. At least, I feel I'im doing something to help the situation.

[A later P.S.]
Sorry guys! I said "fact" on Animal Planet but i think i meant "roar".
But im looking through the whole sight to see if anyone can help

[Posted in FML 5532]