It takes two people to do the cleaning Zoo and I did. I used an array
of dental instruments .I found that the endodontic spoon worked well
with the small ones. One scruffs while the other cleans and examines.
Any profound calculus subgingivally with swollen purple gums SHOULD
have a periodontal cleaning with anesthesia.

My vet actually helps me with mine. He is open to any reasonable ideas
concerning the ferrets. He sees very few aside from mine, and has been
most accommodating. He sc ruffed some of mine that were in for
distemper shots, and I used some of my dental instruments. It worked
very well. Green chunks of calculus came off two of mine that I took

I do NOT urge people unfamiliar with dental instruments or cleaning
teeth to try this on a tiny ferret.

[Posted in FML 5531]