Shame on all of you that are nowheres near this man's home or have
knowledge of his situation.

Doug has bring the backbone of ferret husbandry for many years. He was
NEVER banned by the AFA and has been a supporter over the MANY years
and to the OHIO breeders.

This man is old and very frail. It is his 2 granddaughters that have
been caring for the animals that he loves most since he himself has
not been able to take care of them.

The mink that are on the property belong to his son that will have
nothing to do with the ferrets. Instead of trying to close him down,
why not get together and help clean up the situation. You can volunteer
to help families in need, why not make this man's last days a happy one
by helping to clean up his ferret farm. I'm sure that your kindness
will be rewarded with a few ferrets to take home.

As far as ADV, I have never known of a case of it yet coming from any
of his ferrets. So stop spreading more rumors.

You too will get old and I pray that your "younger" friends and family
don't treat you this way.


[Posted in FML 5526]