Ok - someone help me here. I received a distress call from Artemus,
Ricky, Zeus and MoJoMan. They advised me that they had packed their
little ferrety backpacks and are ready to trudge from Albuquerque New
Mexico, all the way to Ohio. They asked me if I would call their Aunt
Mary - to see if they could hang with her, in the evenings. Their
plan of attack WAS going to be going to the McKay farm, after dark....
slithering under the fences and into the enclosures. Artemus, the fert
who can open anything, is going to be the main "spring" man, and Ricky,
Mojo and Zeus will lead the troops out. After all ferrets/minks are
safely ensconced at Aunt Mary's house, they plan to go back, under the
cover of night - and break into McKay's house. First, they plan to shut
the heat off and disable all electic heaters, so that the temperature
can match what the outdoor fuzzies have. Then they were going to find
the room that gramps, gran-daughter and gran-son stay in. They were
gonna open the doors....slither quietly across the floors - and creep
up to the top of the beds, where they lay their warm heads......and
then.......Poo & Pee on them for hours, so that THEY can know what it
feels like. Of course, this is AFTER they remove all the bedding and
clothing from the errant abusers. Luckily, they warned me ahead of
time - so that I could help them with a plan - one that MIGHT work, if
everyone gets their hands in the pie - one piece at a time.

In all seriousness guys: Action - Not Words!!! Go to the MEDIA. Take
out ADS IN THE NEWS PAPERS. Go to the NEIGHBORS. Post SIGNS. Yes, signs
can be posted near the property (not directly on any land they own) -
that could include pictures of the living conditions of these animals.
In this world of free speech we have - we can even organize rotating
protestors at the end of his driveway. There are so many ways that we
can make his life so uncomfortable - while staying within the letter of
the law. We can also stop the cars that go there to buy the fuzzies -
give them printed pamphlets that show pictures of these poor kids. And
on and on the list can go. Use your imaginations! Hit him where it
hurts. Discredit him. Ruin his reputation (like he has one, right?),
etc. Who does he sell his minks to? Maybe some sympathy can be found
there as well. BUT BEAR IN MIND ONE THING: One thing that WON'T help -
is to have us all attacking each other, instead of the problem. Now
let's get off each others case - and do something positive. We're
wasting valuable time and resources here smackin each other around. We
need to DO something - not just sit and complain and contemplate. I
will be done with my assignment here in CO - next week Friday. I'd be
more than happy to "start something" up with this guy when I am done.
Just tell me - who's with me?

Kim and her (adequately named for this one) Army of Idiots

Lord, help me to be grateful for what I have, and not greedy for
what I want.....

[Posted in FML 5526]