M&M now allows you to custom write your own M&Ms. Check out their
website. You can do custom colors and words. Of course, having custom
ferret M&Ms is a bit scary. Color is easy (duh... Poopster BROWN, of
course!!) unless you start imagining the color of personalities. Then
it gets way harder. (My Claudius would be a philosopical light green
while crazy Jake would be electric neon hot pink!)

Now the words... hmmm... what would my ferrets say?

An emphatic "MINE!" or perhaps a very innocent "Who, me?". Sometimes we
are finger pointers- "The Cat did it." Other times we are quite proud-
"Look what I can do with a roll of toilet paper!" Sometimes we are
quite loud- "Aiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee!!!! Whoohoo!". Other times we are
suspiciously silent. Those are scary times indeed. A quiet ferret is
either sound asleep or belly deep in trouble. Many times we say "Argg,
I am a pirhana!". Other times we say "Kissy, kissy." You just never
know. Mostly we say "More!"- more treats, more love, more socks to
steal, more toys to hide, more energy, more fun!

Bring on the M's!

[Moderator's note: We had some at a past symposium and they were great,
though there are pretty strict limits on what could be printed on them.
For example, "FML" would not be acceptable! BIG]

[Posted in FML 5526]