I saw this link in the FML, and had to go check it out...

>I was just surfing through the on-line photo catalog at this company's
>website (Corbis Corp) and found a number of really awesome domestic
>ferret AND black-footed ferret pics...
Partway through the second page is a link to a black and white photo
taken in 1954. The current caption is "Men Use Ferrets To Hunt
Rabbits," but the original caption is, "4/3/1954-Berlin, Germany: Kurt
Stein (left) and Wilhelm Miele, get ready for a rabbit hunt, using the
ferrets instead of guns. The ferrets Fritz (on shoulder) and Lotte
(looking in to Camera). The animals wear masks to keep them from
sucking the blood of their quarry."

Ferrets as blood-sucking creatures? If this was published in a
recognized magazine with that caption, people who had no knowledge of
ferrets would believe it. No wonder our little fuzzbutts got such a
vicious reputation.


[Posted in FML 5526]