>I understand your emotional pain- we all do-- BUT like Soren with the
>Swede breeder ferrets - who did the exact same thing -- if conditions
>have been witnessed as you described- WHY IN GOD's NAME HAVEN'T YOU
>MICHIGAN DEPT OF AGRICULTURE? These entities have the power to seize
>the animals ( no cash past go) and decide who can take them for
>rehabilitation and dispersion,."

For starters, we are not stupid Alicia, we HAVE contacted the
authorities, NOTHING CAN BE DONE BY THEM. And would you mind telling me
just what the Michigan authorities can do about a situation in Ohio?
You obviousely didn't read the post very well. Please go back and
reread. You understand my pain? It isn't about my pain. It is about
the pain the ferrets are feeling. I can deal with my pain, they can't.
This is about helping those ferrets!

>ONLY THESE ENTITIES can remove the ferrets if indeed the conditions
>are as you report.

Yes, they could IF their hands weren't tied. They have tried to do
something, to no avail.

>PHOTOGRAPH, TESTIFY and REPORT this inhumane breeder to the
>proper authorities.. clean the sewer up for good!"

Don't cry to the list? What is this list for Alicia??? HELLO????!!! It
is to help ferrets. HELP FERRETS! These ferrets need help, we came to
the list. Do you think we do not know what we need to do to bring
attention to this matter? Some ferrets have already suffered TO DEATH.
MANY have already died due to the cold conditions. Closing him down
completely can take a very long time. It is not an over night fight.
These ferrets should not be used as collateral damage. So what? we
leave the ferrets freezing their fur off, contact the authorities and
sit on our asses while we wait for them to do nothing? That is just
what has happened. That is why things ARE the WAY THEY ARE. People
have seen the crappy conditions, called the authorities just to hear
that nothing can be done. Then they stopped. Game, check, DEAD FERRETS,

I will NOT sit on my duff and wait. NO! If you want to help, fine,
help, otherwise DO NOT undermind what we are doing. It is not fair
to the ferrets.

And to the rest of you. Don't say that we can't do anything. That is
why nothing has been done. Too many people have said "there is nothing
I can do." That is bull, there is alot you can do. We as a ferret
communtiy CAN band together and stop Doug McKay. But it takes coming
together and working HARD together to do this. Stop saying we cant and
know that we can.

Lora Blaisdell
Michigan Ferret Rescue

(The rescue that believes SOMETHING can be done!)

[Posted in FML 5524]