OK Well, you know what I said about no more since I had to have my
little Marty put to sleep last Saturday. That was the hardest thing
I have ever done since letting my Mom go in October. Darn near broke
my heart right in half. I cried all week long when ever I thought of
him. My Huband said "do you really want to put yourself through this?"
Sooooooooooo, we went to Mankato MN (a 2 hour drive from here)
yesterday and low and behold there were two little guys left. We bought
them both. Only one problem, they have no names. I have been looking at
the ferret name websites and can not come up with anything fitting for
them. Marty fit him right away. But these two I am having one heck of
a time with a name for them. If anyone out there wants to help me name
these ferrets please help!!!!!

Back in happy dance ferret land

Jo & the boys & memories of Marty

[Posted in FML 5524]