I was contacted by a ferret owner in Winlock, WA who has four ferrets
and has recently become disabled (I don't know the nature of the
disability). He has applied for federal aid, but in the mean time he
is in dire financial straights and is asking for help providing food
for his pets. He is hoping to be able to keep his ferrets if possible.
His Internet access has been suspended so he is unable to ask for help
himself, so I offered to post here to see if anyone could help with his
situation. I was able to refer him to his local humane society who has
an emergency pet food program where he can get immediate temporary
help. His vet has found a program to help with his ferret's vet needs.
He would appreciate any help anyone could offer: maybe you have coupons
for food suitable for ferrets that you could send him, or food you can
not use that you could arrange to get to him. His contact info is:

Richard Stephens
135 Tory Lynn Drive
Winlock, WA 98596

[Moderator's note: Richard has been an FML subscriber for years, so
at least there is some history to go on here. BIG]

[Posted in FML 5522]