Tonight at 7pm, my "Lukey" lost his fight to remain here on Earth with
me and his friends. He was my "follically challenged" 7+yrold albino
rescue, who came to me 5yrs ago, after his cagemate died, and this
person did not want to go thru that again.

Lukey would virtually "Leap" into the air, sort of like a bucking
bronco when he was happy! Up & down in the same spot! He came here
and fit in perfectly with the rest of my brood, playing, running and
dooking all over the house. I posted not too long ago about his 'bird
seed poop', and received many, many responses with remedy ideas, and
the "tried" remedies did work, but his problem was apparently much more
involved. Toward the end, he was very frail, cried when he pooped, and
finally stopped accepting his soup, `vite, `tone, and all other meds.,
I tried to hydrate him, but no good. I could tell he was saying
'goodbye'.....I held him all night in my arms, trying everything, but
he would not move and could not even stand w/o falling. I gave him a
dose of "Dexamethisone", to no avail., and finally bundled him up in
the lower level of his home, food & water within reach, and fell asleep
in the chair next to his cage. Exhausted & emotionally spent, I woke
4hrs later,....he was in the same spot, uncovered, and very cold. I
thought for sure that he must have passed being as cold as he felt, but
I noticed shallow breathing, and proceeded to warm him up as quick as I
could, tears and all, but he never moved. He did warm up a bit, but all
he could do was blink his eyes as I spoke to him about the Rainbow
Bridge, until he took his last deep breathe.

I know men are supposed to be strong and not show tears, but I did, as
I have for my other 5 fuzzies who went before him.

Rest in Peace, my little "Hippy-Hopper",`ll be missed more than
you`ll ever know!...He was a fighter, and stayed with us even beyond
what could have been expected from such a tiny heartbreaker!! I will
see you again someday, and our love and togetherness will be eternal!
Peace!....To all those who have lost fuzzies or have sick ones you are
currently nursing, my prayers go out to you & yours!


John Rich & the n.j. gang of '4', USA.

I truly believe that "Dogs and Cats may steal your heart, but Ferrets
DO steal your soul".
Marshalls, HELL with you and your practices!...You will burn
a little hotter and longer than those of us who may be beside you! :)

john rich <[log in to unmask]>

[Posted in FML 5514]