Also worry if your husband does it instead of the dog -- but not as
much as you would worry if your husband rolled naked in dung and then
hunted down a rabbit (LOL!):

>"the dog looked at the man, and began to wag his tail. The dog
>approached the man. During this time the frequency of tail- wagging
>increased, and when the dog was within about 4 feet of the man, the
>dog's hindquarters began to move back and forth with the tail. The dog
>raised his front paws, placed them on the man's chest, and licked the
>man's face."


>make the dog in the above description a tiger. It sees the man, begins
>wagging its tail, approaches, tail wagging frequency increases, it
>jumps up...

I know that our ferrets behave in a manner that I find consistent with
trust and affection, that I have seen them behave in a manner that I
find consistent with grieving, or with being pissed off, or with being
curious, or...


I also know that they live ferret lives with their experiences and
responses to those experiences being their own, as in different from
human ones. That doesn't mean lesser or greater -- just that we have
to realize that our own human refinements does not apply to ferrets,
and their ferret refinements do not apply to us. They are not me and
the narrowness of my being only human prevents me from knowing the
refinements they experience.

Sukie (not a vet)
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[Posted in FML 5513]