Unexpectedly altered economic circumstances mean that this sweet young
lady needs to place her three ferrets. She is very worried about them.
The two males are 5 years old and 10 years old. The female is 7 years
old. The female is losing hair on the tail so may be adrenal or it may
just be rat tail, and one male has a bump on his ear. She can no longer
afford medical care beyond the basics and badly wants these ferrets to
wind up someplace where these needs will be met. I have her permission
to give her name and phone number here because she strongly hopes for a
loving home with good vet care by a ferret vet (which is what they are
used to getting -- our own vet asked me to help this person) and she
thinks that ferret people who care enough to be here are more likely to
fill that need. This is someone who deeply cares about the ferrets, and
as you can see from their ages they have a long history of having good
care. Elizabeth Atiyeh 1-908-462-2423

On a lighter note: Linda Iroff noticed that the person with the trained
ferrets had other free videos, some of them instructional. I pulled
them up and sent the URLs to Wolfy Stout due to her interest in
training. She asked me to carry them here, so here they are:





from the same person who has:




Sukie (not a vet)
Current FHL address:
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Recommended ferret health links:

[Posted in FML 5505]