Just to throw in our 2 cents in the shelters & ferret grieving

no question a bonded ferret will grieve without its buddy ot its
people - but if given enough attention distraction and new things -
toys, new buddy, new people etc it can be allieviated - but not always-
i am sure there are some that are so bonded to a buddy or person that
nothing helps enough-

in rescue situations it is less likely that will happen because the
people probably didnt spend much time with it anyway - so they are less
likely to miss them- if given a lot of attention at the new shelter
or sanctuary (and it is not always possible- due to the number of
critters & staff) it can be just fine- we have taken in some solitary
ferrets that had been bonded with their human & they adapted fine in
our community ferret room- 17 ferrets play together up to 20 hours a
day and also have manhy hours of human interaction too- however it is
possible that we will meet our match too- so both side are very valid!


[Posted in FML 5509]