Hi Jacci

I know things are different here in Europe, But in Holland we don't
even have a distemper shot for ferrets. We always use the shot for
puppies. We have two sorts, the vanguard for pups, this one can be
dangerous for ferrets and ferrets have died from it, unluckily some
vets do still use it. We also have the Nobivac DP, to my knowledge and
that of dr Hanneke Moorman, ferrets have never had reactions or been
sick from this shot. Take into consideration that Dr Moorman works only
with ferrets, so she sees and vaccinates around 15 to 20 ferrets a day.
4 days a week, I would say the Nobivak is very trustworthy.

Good luck

Stephenie Stichting "De Fret "Netherlands

[Posted in FML 5504]