Hi All,

Judy was interested in getting a pet stroller. I have had mine probably
a year, I have had no problem with it. It really looks like baby
stroller. My granddaughter said, "she wished she had one as it would
be lighter for her with the baby than the big cummbersome one that they

I got mine from LTD Commodities www.ltdcommodities.com . I believe they
hold 16-18- or 22 lbs. So most ferts only way 2-3-4 lbs. unless you see
the guys I have seen that are being nutered and spayed later in their
lives by private breeders. They can weigh up to 5 lbs. I used mine when
Pooh was sick it was easier than carring him in a carrier as he loved
to be held and in the stroller he could rest. Of course Pooh was Put
down in Aug. We now have Willy and he has used it at least once or
twice a month. 

I only paid 29.00 for it and I bought an extra one to raffles at our
summer picinic and the lady that won it was taller than me. I am 5'4"
tall and she was probably 5" !0" tall. I told her if she knew someone
who was handy they could make and extension to add on and it would work
fine for her. They come already together in a big box. You can put
paper in back for them to potty and food in front to eat and water. I
think they are very convenient.

Good Luck on search. You might have to call LTD if you can't find
stroller available. Maybe with spring around the corner we might luck
out, because I would like to get one for our picinic in Sept. again.

LOL and Dooks,
Beck and Willy and Pooh our angel.

[Posted in FML 5503]