Ok, got a new one. As most of you can surmise, I live in ABQ, NM - but
work in Denver, CO. Where I work, is kinda "out in the boonies" a bit,
and there is alot of wildlife around us. Well, anyone watching the news
lately, can figure out we have been getting a blizzard a week. Yeah, it
makes me REALLLYYYY want to permanently relo here, I can tell ya.....

Seriously though - I noticed, when outside on my breaks, that there was
this cute little family of rabbits - 7 in all. I also noticed that when
the blizzards hit - these guys couldn't even dig down to find food -
so what did I do? Well, what any good ferret Mom would do!! I started
bringing them food - and leaving it out for them. Not alot - not
kibble - just carrots and lettuce, and fresh veggies. I don't want them
to become dependant on me feeding them their entire meals..... Now when
I first began this, I made a "clicking" noise - so that I could catch
their attention. When I had it - I would toss carrots, lettuce, etc -
close to them, so they knew it was there. They now come out - when I
click once - and sit in wait. There is one reallllly brave little guy
I gotta tell you all about though. As the days went by, he would come
closer and closer and closer - until he was within arms reach of me.
He would startle easily, if I made any sudden moves, so I would move
reeeallll slow - and toss him carrots.

Where am I going with all of this? Well - this past Monday - he hopped
all the way up to me. Sat on my foot. And then up on his haunces - to
take the carrot from my hands. It is the coolest thing in the entire
world. He has continued this pattern all this week. Yesterday, when I
ran out of carrots, he chomped my tennis shoe (sound familiar kids?) -
to let me know - he wanted more!! Yesterday, and today when I pulled
into the parking lot - he was waiting for me - right next to my parking
spot. Amazes me really, because I get to work at 7 am - but don't
normally bring out the treats til around 10. How'd he know what time I
got here?!! What amazes me further, is the trust that this tiny little
guy has of me. He IS a younger rabbit - I can tell by size, but to have
a completely wild animal - develop a trust in me - has given me loads
of joy! Now before any of ya go off and tell me to "leave em be"
because they are wild - don't worry. I know how dangerous it can be to
get them too used to eating from a human. I will taper them off as the
snow goes down and they can find their food again. Its moments like
that......that help me remember what a wonderful world we live in -
and how blessed I am to be allowed those couple moments of sheer awe
in God's creations.........

p.s. - my husband told me I better not even THINK about adopting

Kim and Her Army of Idiots

Lord, help me to be grateful for what I have, and not greedy for what I

[Posted in FML 5499]