Hi everyone! 

I just wanted to let you all know how easy it is to earn dollars for
SOS. Thank you Robin for bringing this to our attention!

I'm doing my part every and many times a day. One penny at a time. I
search for everything that I can think of. Can you all guess what came
to my mind first, as always?

FERRETS of course. :~) I used the names of all the meds my ferrets ever
used in the past ten years. I hope you all can see the penny's rolling
in from that long list.

Just search for anything that comes to your mind, even if you don't
care to know anything about it. Airlines, Hotels, Motels,TV , Skunks,
Dogs, Cats -----and you can never run out of product names. So please
you all, get busy and help!

Just go to www.goodsearch.com,--- type in "Support Our Shelters" for
your charity and enter something in the search box. No limits to how
many times you can do it. You can even check on the totals earned as
you go along. Think of how many members we are on this FML and the
dollars this could bring for the ferrets---without spending a penny!


And after you're done, you can go and kiss your ferrets!

(The one who's motor runs on ferret kisses)

[Posted in FML 5499]