A sweet little girlie fert crossed the Rainbow Bridge, her name is
Nosette. Her Earth Mom Moscha asked me to check on Nosette, her Mom
is worried about her.

Dear Moscha, Nosette made the crossing and she is doing quite well.
Her pain is gone, her eyes are clear and she is very happy up here.
Although she misses you terribly. She also misses her brothers and
sisters...please give them all hugs and kisses from Nosette. But
Nosette doesn't want you to be worried, and she doesn't want you to
be sad. She sends you little ferrety kisses and promises to wait here
for you, knowing that one day you will all be together again.

Nosette is staying with my dear friend Francis Ferret for a few weeks,
'til she gets settled in. Francis has a lovely purple cottage in the
woods, many of the new girlie ferts spend time with Francis, she has a
way of making them feel safe and loved.

It is so beautiful up here, and no creature ever wants for anything.
They have everything they need, and although their loved ones are not
here with them, they can always visit the Pool Of Remembrance to check
in on their family and friends. I promise to bring Nosette there in
the near future so she can check in on you. She asked me to tell you,
she loves you too.

Send your Bridge Greeting requests to
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[Posted in FML 5499]