Hi everyone, I have to tell you about a present I got in the mail
today. A big box came and it said Petey TPO on it. I was so excited. I
don't think I ever got mail before. Well, maybe once, but I don't
always remember real good. This box came from my Aunty Kat Parson.
Yanno dat lady dat crochets all da time? She made me my very own sleep
sack. I love crocheted sleep sacks the very best. My other Aunty Kath
has made me two before. So I am a crocheted sleep sack authority. This
sack is sooo soft and warm, and there is even room for Super Tonks, and
y'all know what a bucket butt he is.

Aunty Kat sent two more sleep sacks. A pretty pink and white one shaped
like a hot water bottle, and a periwinkle and lavender one that my
mommy just will not quit ooohing and aaawing over. Anyway mommy put
those sleep sacks up for auction on bay. So all of you have a chance
to treat your ferrets as special as I have been treated today. I swear
(holding paw up) the pictures do not do these sleep sacks justice. You
can see them here:



I am going back to my nice warm sleep sack for another nap.

Petey TPO


[Posted in FML 5496]