I joined this list about 4 months ago when our 4 year old ferret Neo
became acutely ill. I was looking for answers, direction, support....
what ever I could find to help figure out what was wrong with Neo and
get him cured.

As one who was admittedly not particularly knowledgeable about ferrets
at the time, I received a great deal of direction and support from so
many members of this list who shared their experiences and knowledge
with me. It was a tremendous help, and over the last few months I have
learned more than I could have dreamed about ferret health, ferret
care, and ferret spirit through extensive reading and research online.

Neo had a bad case of ulcers, a large and aggressive pancreatic tumor,
and an enlarged left adrenal. Through numerous medication protocols,
through surgery, and through 5 or 6 daily feedings and adiministration
of meds, Neo always fought hard to get back to health. His spirits
remained high and he did everything we asked of him in his usual gentle
way. He was able to beat the ulcers, he got through the surgery for the
tumor and for the adrenal gland relatively well, and he continued to
fight each day despite what seems to be the most aggressive case of
insulinoma that I have read or heard about through all of my research
on the subject.

Despite being given high doses of pred and proglycem, and despite
regular feedings of his special soup every 4 or 5 hours, Neo had a
violent seizure for the first time on Saturday. He was out for about
20 minutes before we could revive him, yet he did come back, and 30
minutes later he was eating a full meal. But, after all he has been
through, we knew we were now asking too much of him, more than was
physically possible any more. The insulinoma continued to rage over the
weekend, but we were with him at all times, and with the high doses of
meds and regular feedings, he had a peaceful weekend with us. We were
able to say our goodbyes on our terms, knowing that he would not have
to endure pain or siezures or bodily weakness any more. His last days
in this life were filled with peace and love. We put him to sleep this
morning in our loving arms while telling him it was okay to go. We told
him how proud we are of him and how brave he had been these past four
months. He was so strong of spirit, yet so gentle in every way. Please
say a little prayer that he may find the painless and peaceful
existance that he so much deserves.

Thank you all for your help and support, and special thanks to the
moderator for the time it takes to unite a community like this online.
The work you do is so valuable to so many people.

Jeff Rosenberg
In Memory of our beloved Neo

[Posted in FML 5496]