I do not post here very much, the reason being that all the bickering
gets on my nerves.

I do look through the list to see if there is anything interesting to

But today it finally sank in how very low we have gone on this list and
how very sad it is that someone who writes because she is looking for a
friend for her ferret feels the need to explain why and is completely
in the defensive, explaining several times why she is writing and
constantly asking not to be flamed, it is so very very sad. Heather I
hope you find a friend for Grover.

If you lived in Holland I would have found you one who needed a home
free of charge, because obviously you know what your doing and you
have enough love for Grover to let yourself be put in the situation
where you are not just asking for a friend for Grover but are also
apologizing because you love him enough to ask.

I always though that ferret people all over the world were special.
People who cared for their ferrets and each other. Please people
stop and look at what we are becoming.

Not people who love their ferrets but a bunch of bickering ninnies,
having said this. You may flame me all you want, because in Holland
we have the right to speak our mind and we accept the consequences.
Meaning simply that I will just not respond to flames


[Posted in FML 5490]