>FYI. So  I would guess these things are not ferret friendly in case
>anyone was  interested in one! I just happened to find this on ebay.
>If you scroll down  # 5 includes ferrets as  rodents!
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150041789320

Hi Eleanor ~
My husband purchased some items like this to keep spiders out.
Fortunately, the instructions said to be careful with it with small
animals such as mice and guinea pigs. So I made the leap that they
would absolutely not be good for my smallest ferret, Miss Jazzy who
is very tiny. Ergo one thing avoided.

Thanks for posting this ~
missing Calvin/loving Bandit, Flower, Snickers, Miss Jazzy and
Ling-ling (I really didn't name Flower, she came from the humane
society with that name and she is snow white like a white lotus
blossom...sort of fits!)

[Posted in FML 5490]