>My 2 cents on the EVO ferret food. We have been using it since it came
>out. All 17 of our fuzzies love it and we have not had the loose stool
>problem some of you have mentioned. Prior to the release of the EVO
>ferret we used the EVO cat food. Our ferrets also liked that and I
>think it may be a little better than the EVO dog food. Perhaps the
>fact that we had been feeding the EVO cat food helped our fuzzy ones
>to adapt to the EVO ferret. What ever the case we love the EVO food
>and some of our ferrets will pick through our food blend to get just
>the EVO. We also give extra EVO to ferrets recovering from illness.
>Our only complaint is that it is not always available at the store we
>get it from and they are the only source in the Raleigh area.

Hi Ken ~

Thanks for the info.  Does anyone think the EVO is better than Totally

missing Calvin/loving Bandit, Flower, Snickers, Miss Jazzy and
Ling-ling (I really didn't name Flower, she came from the humane
society with that name and she is snow white like a white lotus
blossom...sort of fits!)

[Posted in FML 5484]