Dear Fellow TPOs,

Happy New Year my friends. I am sorry I have been so quiet lately, but
it's hard to sneak on the puter. Mom is on it all the time.

I wanted to take a moment to thank each and everyone one of you for
joining the Petey TPO Club, and supporting Support Our Shelters. We
are 77 members strong now. In 2006 we raised 271.41 for Support Our
Shelters. Dat's not bad for a bunch of ferrets.

2007 is going to be bigger and better, My goal is to raise 1000.00. Are
you with me? ::::spikes paw in the air:::

Remember TPO members are a very special and exclusive bunch. If your
not a member and you would like to join. You can find out all about it
on my website.

Let's make 2007 a better year for ferrets everywhere!

Petey TPO
Not just the president, but a member too

[Posted in FML 5483]