I have an idea, I'm one of those shelters that is very close to closing
also, just not enough funds coming in much of the time. Maybe a website
something like the ferret giving tree, except it will be shelters,
people will go on, pick a shelter or two, whatever they like, and
commit to a dollar amount monthly to that shelter for a period of time,
say: 6 months, or something to that effect. I think that should be
established for each shelter and be the same for each on the site.
People then can go on and see which shelters have help, and who does
not, this way hopefully each shelter will get a sponsor for a set
period of time.

Only thing is: whoever does the website, will have to monitor it more
than they did the giving tree site. I have no clue how to do a site, so
it will have to be someone like the GREAT person who does the giving

Just an idea

Sue & the Okeechobee Gang

Please visit my eBay auctions, always raising funds for food, meds,
spays and neuters,

[Posted in FML 5475]