Beta Heyalytic Ecoli is what took my little girls from me, manifested
by black tarry stools and it is down hill in a hurry.

This was confirmed at Virginia Tech's veterinary school. The two ferret
vets in the valley are going to speak with another well known ferret
vet and see

if they can come up with more information on what can be done. It is
my understanding that it was lying dormant in one of my girls and the
other caught it from the others stool. As my kids always eat nothing
but the best ferret food I can give them and nothing raw this is the
only thing that

makes sense to me. I am not sure of this or really anything lately but
if any of you have heard of this and have an information on it please

Thank you

Patrick and the 10 brothers and sisters left behind

[Posted in FML 5483]