
"CoCo" is certainly lucky, NOW that you have him,.....feel good about
that! As for the itching, bare skin, "8in1" "Corti-Care" Hydrocortisone
Spray works great! I tried the "Benedryl" spray, but that has a very
strong 'mediciney' odor that makes the fert want to escape!...Even the
"generic" brands of Benedryl like CVS or Rite Aid, have that odor.....
The "Corti-Care" is in a pump spray with no odor, and when sprayed on
your hands, & "caressed upon your itchy one", they love it! It also has
'Aloe Vera' in it, & leaves the skin moist,..not dried out. I've used
it for over 18 years on my 'follically challenged' babies with great

Good luck to you & "CoCo"!! Dooks!...

John Rich & the n.j. gang of 5, USA.
john rich <[log in to unmask]>

[Posted in FML 5483]