Hi all dis is SaraFerret. De other day I greeted a pretty little
cinnamon girl by de name of Ambi. With me was her fur sisters Jade and
Daisy. Well she hotfooted it right across de bridge just as quick as
you please. And she was hugged and kissed by her sisters of course and
she bounced up to me saying hya SaraFerret, My Mommy told me all about
you dat you would be here with my sisters to greet me now where are my
wings and halo.

Wowsie! Now this girl knows how to do things!. Well. I first tells her
dat her Mommy sent me a note saying dat she was broken hearted at her
leaving and she said oh-oh I was afraid of dat. But she has Nikki! But
your Mommy says she wont be getting any more ferrets again for a long
long time. Oh no cries Ambi, Mommy shouldnt do dat, shes so good wit
furkids. Well I says, mommys gets dere hearts broken when furgirls
leave. I know my mommy cries so hard whenever one of her furkids leaves
for de bridge. But your Mommy sent a beautiful poem for you to read.
Uh SaraFerret, Ambi says, I cants read. Sure you can, here anyting is
possible. So I hands her de poem. And she reads it and she says Aw dats
pretty. But its so beautiful here and I is not in pain anymore and not
cwying and hurting and my body is all nice and furry now. And I is
gonna have wings like my sisters. Now where is my wings! I giggled! Dis
Ambi is quite de ferret girl. She is going to be de boss in charge of
de kits I can jus tell. Auntie Mary Ferret will put her in charge of
dem right away. I can tell.

Her sisters are giggling in laughter as dey know how Ambi is de one who
has always been de one in charge. De just love her can do attitude. I
really love a girl like her. Sorta reminds me of myself when I came
here. I is still like dat. I was like dat when I was at my Mommy's home
too. Well Miss Ambi, let's go off and get your wings and halo. So off
Ambi and Daisy and Jade and I goes to Kit and Kaboodle to pick up her
wings and halo. We enter and she goes right past Auntie Mary Ferret who
stands dere wit her mouth open and she prances right over to de wings
shelf and picks up de brightest red set of fluffy wings--really a big
set--but but--says Auntie--dose are boy wings--Ambi says oh dey will
fit me--we try dem on--I caution Auntie Mary to just ignore Ambi and
let her choose--and by golly dose wings while very big do fit her
sorta. Are you really sure Ambi, I ask? She looks in de mirror and trys
to flip and flop dem and says well maybe dey are a bit too big. Maybe a
size smaller. So Auntie Mary trots over and picks out a daintier lady
size red pair of wings which are perfect for beautiful Ambi and she
looks in de mirror and fluffs dem and says I told you dat red was my
color. We all fall on the floor laughing. She says well maybe I do have
a bit to learn here. Its alright Ambi, I tells her, I admire a girl
with spunk and fire, no need for a sad eye furrie here. We need joy
and bouncy ferrets here. However no flying until lessons as we dont
want Ambi stranded on a cloud waiting to be rescued and other ferrets
laughing at a stranded furangel. She says oh no, I would do that.

So we dash over to de reflecting pool for a special surprise for Ambi.
I says I bet you misses your mommy dont ya. She says, yes, but I really
didnt want to say anything in front of my sisters. Well we have a
surprise for you. I swishes de pool and I tells Ambi to look into de
pool and she says I cants see anyting. Keep looking I says. Den she
says, Oh deres Mommy. Hi Mommy and she starts trowing kisses. I tells
her dat tonite when it gets dark dat dose kisses will become stars and
when dey land on her mommy's cheeks she will feel Ambi kisses dere and
later much later when Ambi has been here a while Ambi will be able to
slide down moonbeams and sneak into Mommys bedroom at nite and leave
wet kisses on mommy's cheeks and whisper sweet dooks in mommy's ears
and when mommy awakes de next morning she will know by the sweet musk
of Ambi and the wetness of her cheeks dat she was dere.

Hugs and loveys from de bridge


[Posted in FML 5479]