"Yes, Shoo-shoo, there are Hooman Angels! They live on the Earth and
they do wonderful things!"

"What? Oh, yes, they are very loving, generous, and nurturing. That is
what Angels are."

"Oh, these Angels are real; you can touch them and see them. They can
talk to you, hold you, tickle your tummy and give kisses too."

"Where do they live?" "You silly little fur child! they live all
around us."

"They have many jobs here on Earth. When they are done here, they will
return to Heaven, to the Rainbow Bridge just like Reb did. An Angel's
work is to Love for eternity."

"Where are they? They are all around us! They have many names here.
Some are called Shelter Moms or Dads. Some are called Volunteers.
Some have no names but they donate money or things to raffle to help
the other Angels care for all the fur babies."

"How can we help them?"

"there are so many ways Sammie!"

"I think respect for what they sacrifice for all the fur children is
one of the most important things we can do for them. We can help them
when they need help. After all, they are doing so much to care for all
the babies who would not otherwise have a warm, clean bed to sleep in,
or nice, yummy food to eat. They provide a safe place from the cold and
the dangers of being alone in the outdoors."

"Why are people often so rude to them? Oh, children, I can't answer
that question! I just don't know the answer why people criticize them
then they ask for help. It saddens my heart when they do that. An Angel
asking for help so that they can keep helping the unwanted fur children
would be such a privilege to be able to respond to."

"I think that is a wonderful idea Shoo-shoo!!"

"OK, our New Year's resolution will be to help more Shelter Angels.
We can't change people who are quick to criticize, but slow to help,
but we can change what we do. And maybe we should also add that we
will help in a gracious manner. these Angels deserve that!"


[Posted in FML 5477]