Every fall I take mine to a cider mill about 15 miles from my house
where there is a park with nature trails along a stream. They love
romping through the woods on their leashes (although I'm sure they
would rather be free - but that's NOT gonna happen.) They are always
the only ferrets at the park although there are tons of dogs with
their families. My fuzzies always draw crowds from all over -
especially kids - to check them out & pet them.

I also have taken them to numerous local parks. A few school
playgrounds - after school & on weekends.

Whenever we go to PetSmart, PetCo or Pet Supplies Plus they get to come
(all those stores welcome leashed pets w/owners.) I've taken them up
north to visit friends over a weekend.

Also I have a pet stroller so whenever I go for a walk for MY exercise
whoever is awake gets tossed in the buggy & goes for a walk too. I
always bring the leashes & harnesses so at some point they can get out
& stretch their legs & explore. A fave place around our neighborhood
has been newly developing subdivisions. Lots of huge dirt piles &
unfurnished new construction homes to explore. I don't know how the
owners would feel, but as long as they are unlocked they are fair
game :)

Also, we've gone to several ferret shows, fun fests & this year our
first walk-a-thon.

Jacci Copeland
Kira the Wonder Fert, Danny Phantom & Shakespeare the Courageous

[Posted in FML 5447]