Yesterday I buried my oldest little girl named Missy, last night
another of my little girls died

Her name was Sweet Pea.

When Sweet Pea decided to adopt me and live with me, she was a little
tough girl, would beat up all the big boys but as she aged she mellowed
and became just a little sweet heart and now she is running after Missy
heading for the bridge, yelling Missy wait, please wait I am so scared,
I don't know what is over that bridge.

About that time the old man of my babies that had crossed, Bandit
(Bandy) was standing at the far side and said, Hi Missy, remember when
we went to live with dad? We had such good times and Sweet Pea I
remember you running after me trying to bite my tail, ha ha, what fun
it was but now you have left dad to wait for him to come to us, come
across the bridge, Boo, Gabby, Sassy, Jr., Fuzz, Baby and Swiper are
here and will take you to meet all the other babies that are here and
remember one day dad will come to be with us and you will be healthy
and strong just like us and you will be sad no longer. Just do what we
do, when dad is asleep we go and whisper in his ear, we miss and love
you dad, just like you do us.

Dad is sitting at home crying for you two and all of us and by
whispering in his ear at night is the only way we can tell him we are
waiting for him. So in the skies over SW Virginia there are two new
shinning star glowing bright for every one to see

I miss you both very much


[Posted in FML 5473]