Jean, you are clearly in trouble. I don't think you'll be offended by
my saying this as it seems clear you know it. I'm going to make some
suggestions that I'm sure will rub some the wrong way, but it needs to
be said, so, so be it.

Jean, first and foremost, you need to stop taking in. You also need to
start considering the idea that the freestanding shelter you dream of
may never happen. If you can't get people to donate or volunteer now,
as serious as your situation is, you surely can't expect to run that
building based on donations and volunteers alone. You need to deal with
what you *have* before even thinking anything more about what you *want
to have*.

To all shelter ops, is there nothing any of you can do to help? I know
Jean has friends who shelter. I know many shelter ops are members of
this list. Can't any of you take some of these kids from Jean? If each
shelter took in just a few I'm sure it would help. Jean, if other
shelters are willing and able, would this be acceptable to you?

To everyone, don't let Ferret's Unlimited become another "shelter
needing to be rescued" story. Jean has worked long and hard at
sheltering, she's done more good for more ferrets than anyone I know
of. Jean needs help. More importantly, the ferrets in Jeans care need
help. So where's the help? Will it only come when these ferrets need
rescuing from the rescuer? Seems to me that time has just about come.

Jean, I honestly don't mean to offend, and hope that I haven't, but
it's clear you are in over your head and your situation is out of
control. Something needs to be done, and it needs to be done now,
before the ferrets in your care begin suffering.

Karen McCabe

[Posted in FML 5473]