First off - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the fuzzy lovers
out there...

I have read from a number of places about pretreating your ferrets with
Benedryl prior to administering distemper shots. Can someone tell me
how much and when to give it to them? Is it in the liquid or pill form?
Child or adult? I have had a number of my ferrets have reactions and it
is not a good experience. Luckly we have still been at the vet and they
were able to whisk them back in for further treatment and all has been
well. My vet has started to pretreat them herself but it cost $32 a
shot x 5 fuzzies. Plus the cost of the exam (if it's their time) $50
each and the cost of the distempter shot $15. I'm not saying I want to
cut costs at the expense of the babies but it does get steep. As the
vaccine has not been available for a while I will have to take them all
in at once when it comes in. Can someone tell me the procedure for
pretreating? Thanks in advance.


[Posted in FML 5471]