HI readers,

Maggie forwarded a report on the remaining 4 ferrets she is caring
for.  They will need an adoptive home once they are healthy enough...

At 04:48 PM 12/27/2006, you wrote:

Hi Alicia, as you know we had some excellent news that Buddy didn't
have distemper. But, the sad news is, that what we thought was a large
mass or tumor, was really a very large hemorrhage or hematoma. We are
not sure of the cause, possibly trauma of some sort, but it does
explain why poor Buddy was so uncomfortable.

I wish I could have done more for him, but at least in the week he was
with us, he knew a gentle touch, clean cage, good food and love, lots
of love.

I cant believe the difference in the remaining 4 kids. This coming
Sunday the 31st will be 3 weeks since they came to me. What a
difference 3 weeks can make!

Pumpkin, Puck, Phoebe and Papito are all doing great. Eating
everything, playing with enthusiasm, and sleeping with little smiles
on their faces!

Puck (the youngest, dark sable male) is still a bit off balance, he has
finished his ear drop and antibiotics. We may have to try another round
of antibiotics or he may permanently tilt. It doesn't stop him from
doing anything ferret related, including climbing up the side of the
pen and trying to escape! I will schedule him for another vet trip.

Pumpkin (DEW, male) is coming along, needing another bath to remove the
final layer of dirt from his fur. I didn't want to traumatize him with
too many baths in the first weeks. He plays with great joy for an elder
gent. The biggest black eyes I've ever seen.

Phoebe (small sable female) is playing and giving kisses and seems to
be in charge of toy relocation.

Papito (elder cinnamon/sable male) is also coming along and finishing
up his antibiotics for a really sore inflamed butt and ear infection.
Loves gruel and will drag the bowl away to protect his interest!

These 4 kids will be ready for a new home(s) by the end of January. Id
like them to stay together, but if that isn't possible as long as they
stay in pairs that should work too.

Thanks, and they are really enjoying all the bedding you sent.


you can see the pics of these kids at:
you can see them here:


This was posted with Maggie's permission - she has her hands full
presently working full time adn caring for 26 ferrets currently.
Anyone in the Carmel, NY area please contact mAGGIE AT:
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[Posted in FML 5471]