Julie Jones has asked me to let everyone know that the home she has
lived in for the past several years caught fire this past Wednesday.
She lost a quite a few material possessions, but her greatest loss was
her sweet ferret, Fargo who died from smoke inhalation.. Fargo was ADV

If you would like to send a card of condolance I'm sure it would be
appreciated. If you would like to help replace some of her necessities,
a gift card from Meijers or Walmart would be appreciated, too.

Julie's address is:

  Julie Jones
  P.O. Box 23098
  Dearborn, MI  48123

This is a terrible time of year to suffer such a tragedy. Please be
extra careful with decorations, candles and other flammables.


Julie Fossa 
FL (772)228-9067 winters
OH (419)225-8383 summers
West Central Ohio Ferret Shelter
International Ferret Congress

[Posted in FML 5447]