I am not sure what symptoms are in ferrets, or where the idea of an FIP
type illness in ferrets comes from, but there are a couple of things
that need to be mentioned about FIP.

First, it is fatal. Period. Cats usually live 4-6 weeks after onset of
illness. They can have either the wet form, the dry form or both forms.

FIP is a corona virus. Corona virus also causes non-fatal respiritory
disease in cats. It is not known whether this virus mutates into a
fatal form from a previous exposure, whether the cats get the fatal
form on single exposure or what.

The virus itself will shed into the environment and is very sturdy.
There is a vaccine, but since some folks think a second exposure to
the virus is what causes the fatal form, many are reluctant to give
it. Plus it has a pretty low efficacy rate.

While ECE is also a corona virus, according to Dr. Williams it isn't
related. I believe he also told me at the time it wouldn't cross over
to ferrets. His response is in the fml archives.

My household was invaded with FIP shortly after I got ferrets. I have
done a lot of research on it.

I am really not sure why someone would post about FIP unless the
disease has been shown to mutate and cross species. It really is a
very nasty disease and has similar symptoms to several other diseases.
Since it is a fatal disease, I fear it will cause some to worry about
something that really isn't happening.

Or am I wrong in thinking that same person has also posted about how
only one or two things cross?


[Posted in FML 5467]