>Those words allowing release .." If it is time to go, it is all right,
>I will find you when my day comes", goes a long way. I still cannot
>speak those words without tears, but I know that for many of these
>little souls who bond so closely with us it is a necessary gift.

Dear Alicia ~

Thank you so much for your post tonight. My little Calvin did hang on
for me. His last vet visit was last Tuesday. Friday night he began
refusing food and water, literally clamped his mouth shut. So over the
weekend we syringe fed him and I would put water on his lips, along
with rescue remedy essence. I will never forget Saturday night. Without
going into all of the pain I kept holding him and telling him it was ok
to go. I told him about the bridge when he first got sick, but I did it
again. I told him I loved him and it was o.k. to go, that mommy would
take care of Miss Jazzy and Ling-ling his cagemates. He hung on until
4 p.m. Sunday afternoon. I was frantic at the inability to get to a vet
who would answer his phone. Holding him and sobbing to him to let go,
he finally breathed his last.

One of the most healing things I've been able to do in these days after
Calvin's leaving is to make up boxes for shelters and The Giving Tree.
I even wrote "In memory of Calvin" on some of the boxes...It got my
mind off of my pain, and every place I shopped always gave me something
extra to put in the boxes. What a nice town!! Tonight we mailed off the
last box. Please, if you haven't done anything for the giving tree do
so now. A card, a check, an envelope with a treat...these guys need
the love and warmth life has not been kind enough to give.

Warmly ~

Mary L. Conley, herbalist, N.D.
Conley Mountain Herbs
Teas,  tinctures, flower essences
Payson, Arizona
fax  (928) 468-1808

[Posted in FML 5463]