Hi all dis is SaraFerret. wit a somewhat delayed gweeting. Mommy has
been a bit pokey abouts posting dut to problems wit her ahem oh heck
mights as well say it (poos-pocket). She drags around de house and
doesnt even go outs of de house takes too muches energys and heavens
forbids stores shops.

But on wit de greetings-de importing tings. Today I greets a petite
dainty albino girl fuzzie names Joele (it justs fits her) and waiting
wit me at de bridge was her cage mate Gia. Dey looks like twins.

I guessi dat joele has been pretty sick and just wore herself out but
you wouldnt have known it. She came across de bridge dancing like a
little princess on tippy-toes like a ballerina (dictionary again). Well
Gia was not to be out done. Dey both did a short dance for us. Even de
Boss came to applaud de show and you know He is so busy to just come
for any show.

Well I introducers myself as SaraFerret and Joele, says oh yes, Mommy
tells me all about you--oh really I said, what did she say--hoping it
was someting nice (a girl always likes to heary nice tings). Well Mommy
says you was de prettyest angel in de heaven and you open de gates
along wit Musty Pete for us fuzzies--your mommy really said I was de
prettiest? I asked? A big tear of joy ran down my cheek as no one since
my Mommy has every called me pretty. Your mommy must have raised you,
Joele to be a super polite ferret, I said.

She says well My Mommy tells me to be polite and tell de truth. Two
tears rans down my cheecks. This ferret is gonna be a helper ferret
(any ferret that can tell this tiny headed thin furred ferret that she
is pretty should be a helper ferret at de bridge and I is gonna check
wit de Boss about her new postition.

I tells her dat wit her petite white furry she should blue wings--but
if she wnts someting else well we will see (but she sees Gia with her
pink feather wings( which are all the rage since some ferrets have seen
those christmas feather trees). Oh I would love blue feather wings.
Well lets go check to see if there are any blue feather wings over at
the Kit and Kaboodle. And off we went.

Auntie Mary Ferret rushed out with the new blue feather wings and put
them on Joele--there they are for you young ferret. Just completed. By
the way Miss SaraFerret, your wings are looking a bt ratty--why dont
we fix you a new pair--Oh these are ok I says!. I just finished these
for you--A fluffy lavender feather pair and they are fluffy--just for
you for Christmas. She tried them on me and they fit perfect also. We
admired our new wings.

And den Joele, Gia, and I went over to de reflecting pond and on de
way over de girls were asking about the kinda sad little girl ferret
who was teaching surfer-ferret lessons to de kits--whats her story--I
thought all the ferrets here were super happy. Well that is a special
case and she is my fur-sister--related to be. Oh, they said, we didnt
mean to say something wrong, --forget we said anything--no one day I'll
tell her story but I can tell you that that was the saddest ferret that
the Boss has ever seen cross the bridge but her story cant be told
until she is de happiest ferret here, until den she is to keep on
trying to be bright and teaching surfer girl lessons to de kits-dey
love surfer ferrets lessons. Dey both agreed how much dey love dose
kinda of things. Wonder if she needs any help. I tells dem--you know
she would be thrilled to death to have some girl ferrets her age come
over and say hey dat's something I wanna learn. 

Now we better get to de pool to see you Mommy. There it is--Oh-oh--
Sign is up! Temporarily closed until after holidays. Hey I know what
we can do on christmas we send a signal to our mommys for them to be
outside--they'll know who we are by our feathers-your's will be pink
and blue and when they look up in the sky and see a pink feathery
star and a blue feathery star they will know that it is you waving.

Hugs and loveys and dooks from de Rainbow Bridges


[Posted in FML 5463]