I see with some trepidation that some of the Giving Tree Ferrets
Santa's still have not sent word to their little ones. I just want to
remind those of you who have the best of intentions, but like me can
be a bit of a procrastinator....

When the Giving Tree was but a sapling, one of my Kids, Farli, was upon
it. He was not feeling well going into the Holidays and although I had
gotten 3 emails from his Santa saying she hadn't gotten his gifts yet,
but tomorrow, always tomorrow, I knew time was short.

Farli was abandoned on the front porch steps of the local dog pound
on the coldest night we had that winter. If one of the animal control
officers had not been worried about her charges and gone into work
early to check on everyone, Farli might not have made it through the
night. From inside she heard his frantic scratching on the door as he
tried to get in. From there, Farli came to our shelter with nothing of
his own, not even a name. The only thing he carried with him was both
insulinoma and adrenal.

So almost a year to the day later, when he began making his way towards
the Bridge, I so hoped he would be able to take something of his very
own, not something from the shelter that he shared with his own true
love, Rosilea, or his other friends, something that was his and his
alone. I thought his Santa was going to make this possible. But
Christmas came and went and so did the 'tomorrow' messages. Farli died
with only the love and gifts we could give him, nothing from his Santa.

I know it is silly, but my heart was broken, not just by his passing,
we are a hospice, that happens a lot here, but by deep disappointment
that Farli would have nothing of his very own to take with him after
hope that this might be possible. It wasn't until I shared my hurt,
here on this site, as a plea to never let this happen to another, that
his gifts were sent.

I was so embittered I nearly sent them back unopened. But Farli left
behind others, and one of those others was his Rosilea whom he loved
as if they had been together, and would be together, forever. I gave
the gifts to her.

Please Santas, know how important your role is to some of these special
kids and that some times time can be short. Bless you and thank you for
taking on this role. Our gratitude stems not from us, but for our kids.

Farli and his Rosilea:

Brenda, Momma to the FurpeopleWeyr

[Posted in FML 5462]